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[ベスト] shikina en 174694-Shikina-en garden

English Shikinaen in Naha, Okinawa prefecture, Japan It was registered as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu"We're truly honored you chose to worship with us It is our prayer that this channel was a blessing to you!Naha, the capital of Okinawa, although small a city, does contain a plethora of historic attractions If you decide to visit Naha, make sure to explore the Shikinaen Garden, Tamaudun Mausoleum, but most importantly, the Shuri Castle, a restored royal residence of the Ryukyu Kingdom, flourished throughout the 15th19th centuries and recognized as the birthplace of Okinawa karate 52 Best Fun Things To Do In Okinawa Japan Attractions Activities Shikina-en garden

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